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Early Bird Packages
Through February 25
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$115 in tickets
$90 in tickets
$185 in tickets
$150 in tickets
$275 in tickets
$225 in tickets
$425 in tickets
$375 in tickets
$650 in tickets
$550 in tickets
$1,000 in tickets
$800 in tickets
$1,500 in tickets
$1,250 in tickets
$2,500 in tickets
$1,800 in tickets
$4,000 in tickets
$2,850 in tickets
$5,000 in tickets
$3,600 in tickets
$7,500 in tickets
$6,250 in tickets
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PLEASE NOTE: Drawing will take place in the RSA main office by executive employees. All drawings are final. Gifts are not exchangeable except where noted. Kollel Ner Dovid assumes no responsibility for prizes not claimed or collected, nor for the kashrus of any prize, product, or service offered in this Auction Booklet. We have made every effort to represent prizes as accurately as possible, but in some cases pictures presented are representative only. All warranties/guarantees are the responsibility of the manufacturer alone. Certain restrictions apply to flights and hotel stays. Winner is responsible for delivery and/or shipping charges and all prizes must be collected by July 1, 2024. Ticket orders received after the auction will be considered a charitable donation to Kollel Ner Dovid. All taxes or fees are the sole responsibility of the winners, unless otherwise noted. The Yeshiva is mandated to send a 1099 for winnings of $600 or more. IMPORTANT HALACHIC NOTE: According to most poskim (authorities of Jewish law), even a single ticket inappropriately placed into (or left out of) a raffle or auction may render the entire drawing invalid. The only feasible way, therefore, to conduct a large public auction is to rely on the fact that all donors participate with the understanding that they are relying on the good faith efforts of the sponsoring organization to do all they can to maintain the security and integrity of the event. Should an inappropriate ticket slip by (or a paid ticket be omitted), the donors have accepted this possibility and release the sponsoring charity and the prize winners of any claim. Please be assured that we have been, and will continue to be, as vigilant as possible to prevent this from happening. Nonetheless, we do need to ask for your understanding for anything that slips by.
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